
I'm Not a Good Mom

By Annie Willems May 8, 2019

You should see what's behind the toilet in my kids' bathroom. 

I don't like cooking- and I'm actually really not so good at it.

I'm not a fan of school programs. (Please don't tell my children.)

There's sticky stuff in the center console of my new car.

I don't always RSVP for birthday parties.

I'm WAY behind on washing sheets in this house.

My kids get in trouble at school on a fairly consistent basis.


By MY standards, I feel like a pretty crappy mom.


I might have said that to a therapist recently. Because this stage of parenting a beautiful mixture of biological and adopted children has been exhausting. And I feel like I'm failing at every.single.turn.

She looked me in the eye and said, " Do you know what I love? You find JOY in your children. They can do something really awful- and you still look at them like they're the most amazing creatures on the face of the earth. I promise that not every parent does that."

I find joy in my children.

On the good days... and the really bad days.

And, you know what? They find joy in me. On my good days and on my REALLY bad days.

They don't need a perfect mom. 

They need a mom who DELIGHTS in them as human beings.

Let's give ourselves a bit more grace as we go into Mother's Day weekend. Grace is so much better than perfection.