
I'm Not Ready for Summer Vacation

By Annie Willems May 23, 2019

I just saw the first post about it on Facebook.

"I'm so ready for summer vacation! I can't wait to have my kids home with me!"

And the shame hit yet again.

I've been doing this parenting thing for 22 years. I think I'm pretty good at it. My kids are FARRRRRR from perfect and I definitely yell sometimes, but I enjoy my children. We laugh together often. We keep a consistent routine. I feed them semi-healthy food.

But I'm dread summer vacation every.single.year.

I love my kids. I really, really do. 

I also really, really love routine and schedule and predictability. Summer doesn't exactly give me those things.

I need you (and me) to know that you can be a fabulous parent who ADORES their children while not enjoying 24 hours a day with them. Having a countdown to the first day of school is also 100% acceptable.

We can do hard things- even summer. I'll post ideas of things to do so we can entertain our kids and keep our sanity semi-intact.
